terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010


(Uma postagem para alunos dos níveis  Intermediate/Advanced que poderá servir para treinar o ouvido
de quem está começando. Como acho essas palavras primordiais, quem sabe eu ainda não as acabe traduzindo,  apesar de vcs saberem que não recomendo traduções. Mas neste caso vale a pena!)

First, my friends, an example of how we should be listening/watching to our news programs- nothing
like Jornal Nacional, you'll agree.

   These are wise words of Smedley D Butler about the war that are still up to date. Read the words then watch the video.

Watch the video now (not performed by the Major General himself, of course):

A RACKET (definition according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary):

a fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity b : a usually illegitimate enterprise made workable by bribery or intimidation c : an easy and lucrative means of livelihood 


And if my dear friends want to know more about why war is vital to the US (economy, not the people) click on or paste this link:


I'm sure you'll find it very educational.

Peace & Love, Friends.                                   

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